It symbolizes longevity. Tangerines, besides tasty, are proven to be beneficial to health. They are rich in vitamins A and C, carotenoids, potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and proteins while having very few calories. (100 grams of tangerine contains about 53 kcal). It is a good source of potassium and helps lower blood pressure. It has sedative properties due to the presence of bromine salts. Its dried peel is used in the traditional Chinese medicine. The peel also has healing properties, helps digestion and is good for the heart. Japanese specialists from the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science of Mikabi town and colleagues of theirs from the Prefectural University of Medicine Of Kyoto proceeded with two independent researches about tangerines which concluded that consuming this citrus may reduce the possibilities of incidence of lever cancer, heart diseases, strokes and diabetes.
The Group grows and markets all essential varieties from late October to late April.
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