All fruit and vegetables are grown in small farms, by their owner farmers, in the traditional way of farming handed down to them by their grandparents, with love for the land they grow on, love for the environment and untold love for humans. No pesticides or fertilizers are used at any stage of the growing procedure whatsoever. Mina Paleologou, Group Agriculturist supervises a citrus farm
Weed mowing with a destroyer to achieve “green manure” for oranges
To this end incorporation of organic matter combined with organic compost, manure and wet fertilizing is applied according to the variety and needs of the plants.
Active Chrysopa carnea in a colony of aphids
Coccinela Larva: A very important ally of organic farming
The result of this organic way of farming is that we are able to offer authentic fruits & vegetables with traditional Mediterranean flavors to be remembered, totally free from any chemical residues , GMO-free, whilst securing consumer health and protecting the environment against chemical and genetic contamination. |
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Organic farming - Methods of cultivation