Balomenos farm is in the beautiful valley of the Evinos river, in Galata community, 8 km from the town of Mesolonghi. It belongs to Balomenos Lefteris and he farms it personally. He is one of the earliest members of Bio Net West Hellas, one of the co-founders of the West Hellas Group of Organic Farmers and has been practicing organic farming for the past 15 years.
Lefteris is a teacher of Mathematics and teaches at a local Lyceum, as well as cultivating the land.
Lefteris Balomenos in potato field
The 76 acre farm consists of 7 acres of Citrus (Valencia oranges and Lemons), and 69 acres of rotating farming, mostly fruit and vegetables(spinach, radish, potato, lettuce, watermelon, melon, cauliflower etc), which constitute the main organic products of the farm today. The vegetable farming id alternated with alfalfa farming, aiming at the soil resting and being enriched with nutrients. The farms are in the Evinos Valley, between the east bank of the river and the Patraikos Gulf.
Lefteris Balomenos in a melon field
Fertilization of the cultivations in the farm is achieved by the use of manure from organic sheep and goats, organic plant compost and the application of rotation. This combination provides perfect nutrition to the plants, keeping the soil alive and healthy
The micro-climate which is created due to the location, combined with the alluvial soil and the organic fertilization, contribute to the original, exquisite taste of the fruit and vegetables.
Organically chicken are in the orchards.
The owner of the farm is checked and certified for his organic methods by the certification body IRIS (GR-BIO-06) and has the following certification number:
- BALOMENOS LEFTERIS: 631-7003-21-10